Age: 23
Height: 5’10”
Pronouns: they/he
LIKES: Vintage taxidermy, their cats, ripping up clothes, maximalism, queer interpretations of shakespeare, spray paint stains on hardwood floors, biting the hand that feeds, pasta, Dungeons and Dragons, MCR, the ash on shelly duvall’s cigarette in The Shining, catholic iconography, rooftops, looking like a comic book character, getting lost.
DISLIKES: lint rolling cat hair off their clothes, plain white walls, cold tea, fist fights at the merch table, the gender binary, guys who refuse to try eyeliner, toxic people who post inspirational quotes, white wine, fluorescent lights, driving without music.
BACKGROUND INFO: After being struck by lightning at age 14 Syd was disappointed that they did not develop super powers, and instead developed PTSD. They have never been entirely sure that they actually survived the incident and have often considered their current existence might be a form of purgatory. Nonetheless Syd continues to be a bad bitch, armed with the comfort that this reality may be just synapses rapidly firing within their dying brain. They grew up on David Bowie, MTV, and CSI: Las Vegas reruns. Now they write songs about vampires on ukulele and were recently diagnosed with autism, which their mom said, “explains a lot about their childhood.